Psychological assessments turn your questions into answers

What is a psychological assessment?

Sometimes called an evaluation or testing, a psychological assessment is a series of special tests, questionnaires, interviews, and observations that look at your cognitive, academic, social, emotional, and behavioral strengths and weaknesses. Results from the tests answer your questions, give information about diagnoses, and guide treatment.

What questions can psychological testing answer?

- Why does my child have trouble paying attention?
- My child is struggling in school. What’s going on?
- My teen has been in therapy for awhile but doesn’t seem to be getting better. Is there something else going on?
- I can’t seem to get motivated or focus. Could this be anxiety or ADHD?
- I’m considering bariatric surgery and my insurance requires an evaluation.

Neuropsychological Assessments

A neuropsychological assessment is a comprehensive evaluation that looks at you or your child’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioral strengths and challenges using a series of special tests, interviews, and observations. The tests measure important areas like:

Neuropsychological Assessments

learn more about these assessments below







Mood & Personality

Motor speed & dexterity

Problem Solving

Processing Speed


Social skills

Neuropsychological assessments are often requested when there is a medical issue (e.g., head injury, seizure), or there are concerns about ADHD/ADD or development. They can also help clarify a diagnosis and guide treatment.

You or your child may receive a diagnosis only after all the information is gathered, examined, and synthesized. Results from a neuropsychological evaluation include strengths, challenges, a diagnosis if appropriate, and treatment recommendations.

Psychoeducational Assessments

A psychoeducation assessment is like a neuropsychological assessment, but the focus of the tests is on academic, cognitive, and social/emotional skills. An important part of a psychoeducational assessment is gathering information from your child’s teacher and school counselors, as well as seeing your child in their typical school setting.

Psychoeducational assessments are usually requested when you have concerns about your child’s academic progress or social/emotional development. Results from the tests will be used to determine if your child has a diagnosis such as ADHD or specific learning disability. Parents can also share results of testing with their child’s school to see if he or she is eligible for special accommodations or special education services.

Unfortunately, insurance does not cover psychoeducational testing and you will have to pay out of pocket for this service. Your child’s school may be able to provide psychoeducational testing at no cost to you, and I encourage parents to talk with their child’s teacher or school counselor about how to request testing. Assessments conducted by schools typically evaluate whether children meet eligibility for services under a specific special education category rather than provide a specific diagnosis (e.g., ADHD).


psychological Assessments

A psychological assessment is a special evaluation that looks at you or your child’s emotional, social, and behavioral functioning using questionnaires, interviews, and personality tests. These types of evaluations focus on mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, anger outbursts, alcohol or substance use, and coping styles. Psychological assessments provide specific, personalized treatment recommendations to help you or your child find a path forward.

§ An important part of a psychological assessment is working with other people who know you or your child well, such as teachers, psychiatrists, or mental health counselors. Psychological assessments are typically completed in 1-2 sessions but may require additional meetings.

psychological Assessments

Pre-Surgical Assessments

A pre-surgical assessment is a special type of evaluation that is sometimes required by insurance companies or doctors when a person is seeking a specific type of medical treatment, like bariatric surgery or a spinal cord stimulator. These types of evaluation usually involve a review of your medical history, a thorough interview, and a variety of questionnaires and personality tests.

An important part of a pre-surgical assessment is working with your medical team to understand the risks and benefits of the treatment. Pre-surgical assessments can typically be completed in one day.

Pre-Surgical Assessments

Dr. Marnell specializes in Affirming, LGBTQ psych support, services, parenting, youth, and more.

the process

Complete a series of tests over the course of several hours, over 1-2 days.
Get a good night’s sleep, take medication as usual, and eat a healthy breakfast.
Wear your glasses, contact, hearing aids, or other assistive devices.

Step 03. – The Testing

Attend the final session to go over the results of the testing and recommendations and answer any final questions.
Receive a written summary with the most important information.

Step 04. – The Feedback

Receive a written copy of the final report 1-2 weeks after the feedback session.

Step 05. – The Final Report

Attend your intake appointment to answer questions, identify concerns, and collaboratively develop your or your child’s assessment plan.
The first appointment is for parents and caregivers only.

Step 02. – The intake

 Contact Dr. Marnell to schedule your first appointment.
Gather important documents like insurance cards, custody agreements, and school documents.
Complete the online new patient paperwork.

Step 01. – The set up


Every person’s situation is unique. Therefore, I offer a flat fee for assessments that can be customized to meet your individual needs. 

see my fees here